Mobile Security for mobile companies

With APPVISORY, you can identify vulnerabilities and risky app behavior in the mobile security sector, automatically and in real time – before they reach your devices. Get a GDPR-compliant app catalog that automatically adapts to your compliance requirements and frees up your IT resources.

App Security mit APPVISORY für alle Mobilen Geräte

How can APPVISORY support you?

working mobile – secure and GDPR compliant

Apptests mit APPVISORY

360° app analysis

Decide on the secure use of iOS & Android apps in your company based on detailed test results.
  • Check before and after installation and in the Enterprise App Store
  • AI-driven Static & Dynamic Security Testing
Applisten können konfiguriert werden mit APPVISORY

UEM supplement

Provide your MDM/UEM with all the important information it needs to manage your apps – e.g. using automated positive/negative lists.
  • Individual compliance requirements
  • Also for app updates
  • Automatic app store scraping
APPVISORY Icon - trustedapp

Secure app management

Implement your IT guidelines at app level and protect yourself against GDPR violations and fines.
  • Standard security configurations in accordance with GDPR, OWASP, etc.
  • Consideration of industry-specific regulations (HIPPA, etc.)
  • Individually scalable

Which apps pass the data protection test?

Passed with restrictions.


How APPVISORY secures your mobile devices

APPVISORY is Europe’s leading mobile application & risk management solution. In conjunction with your MDM, but also as a stand-alone solution, the SaaS solution checks the security and corporate compliance of your mobile apps.

Fully automated and GDPR-compliant

enriched by intelligent patterns, virus and malware detection


for all public and internal apps from DACH & USA

App Security mit APPVISORY Flowgraph

Supported Partners

APPVISORY App Security für alle Mobile Devices

What APPVISORY protects you from

Avoid security breaches with intelligent app risk management

APPVISORY uses static and dynamic analyses to screen mobile apps in order to identify vulnerabilities and risky behavior. The technology has been developed and optimized by IT security experts over many years.

Violations of data protection regulations (including GDPR)

Unauthorized data queries, access to personal data, invalid use of data

Insecure data storage in the cloud / on the device

Uncontrolled data loss to non-company servers; insecure storage on the device

Data security breaches

Insecure data transmission, unauthorized server locations, inadequate encryption strengths, etc.

Poor code quality

Lack of state-of-the-art development standards, outdated or error-prone code

Mobile Threats

Malware, malicious code and other threats

Third-party provider

Illegal connections and data transfers to third parties and insecure third-party libraries

Why you should practice app risk management

APPVISORY Icon - career

6 Million Apps

are available in the app stores – most of them without risk assessment
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72 % of all apps

process sensitive, personal data

75 % of all apps

do not use encryption for at least one connection
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39 % of all companies

already suffered from mobile security intrusions – and the trend is rising
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900,000 € damage

is the average cost of data loss in companies
SOURCE: based on more than 1.000.000 app tests with APPVISORY | Dell Technologies „Global Data Protection Index 2020 Snapshot™ 2020“

What our customers say

about working with APPVISORY

"The protection of sensitive data is a top priority for us as a municipal company."

“The protection of sensitive data is a top priority for us as a municipal company.”
Lennart Smith, IT and Digitalization division

"APPVISORY helps us to ensure the security of all our devices."

“Anywhere in the world. We can now provide our mobile employees with more publicly accessible applications without having to worry about the security of our data.”
Yanik Antpöhler DMG MORI
DMG Mori Logo
Yanik Antpöhler, IT System Administrator

"Securing 15,000 mobile devices in over 300 banks and the apps on them is no easy task."

“Thanks to APPVISORY, our customers can now easily and preventively exclude the app risk factor from their
company network.”
Yanik Antpöhler DMG MORI
DMG Mori Logo
Anthony Kajzer, Project Manager


Secured devices

since 2012

Europe’s market leader


Small and large customers

30 min.


80 %

Time saving


Training courses held

1.5 Million

App tests in the APPVISORY catalog



Recommendation of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI):

An excerpt from the IT baseline protection compendium

APP.3 Mobile Anwendungen (Apps) – Anforderungen

Um zu verhindern, dass Apps ungewollt vertrauliche Daten versenden oder aus den gesendeten Daten Profile über die Benutzer erstellt werden, MUSS die App-Kommunikation geeignet eingeschränkt werden. Dazu SOLLTE die Kommunikation im Rahmen des Test- und Freigabeverfahrens analysiert werden.

Do you want to secure your company successfully?

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