Secure your app and your users’ data with Germany’s leading app certification TRUSTED APP. Show your users that you take data security and privacy seriously.

TRUSTED APP is Germany’s leading quality certification for apps with regard to data privacy and data security. As an independent control authority, it helps companies and app developers to identify and rule out legally critical settings or unnoticed vulnerabilities.
Why companies should audit their apps
6 Million Apps
are available in the app stores – most without risk assessment and recommendation for action
2/3 of all apps
usually harbor unplanned risks such as e.g.
- EU-DSGVO violations
- Incorrect server settings
- Legally questionable third-party providers
- Problematic data processing
- Unnoticed malware & viruses
- Unencrypted data transmission
Loss of data, damage to reptutation or even fines
are quickly the consequence for app publishers & companies
What are the advantages of TRUSTED APP
TRUSTED APP certification for the safety of you and your users

Protection against unnoticed security breaches & data loss
- Exclusion of security concerns
- Securing your own IT infrastructure
- Protection of sensitive user data

Proof of compliance with safety standards
- Promotionally effective
- Confidence-building
- Positive sales argument
- Competitive advantage & distinguishing feature
- Guidance for purchase or Download decisions

Protection from negative headlines due to data scandals
- Protection from negative press
- Protection from damages to reputation
- Prevention of penalties in case of data loss
- Securing user numbers
Content of the app certification
TRUSTED APP test procedure & seal of approval
Multi-stage auditing process
In our test lab, our experts subject your app to an in-depth data protection and security analysis – including a review of the privacy policy.
Support for the secure app
We support you during the process and are on hand with our expertise to help you with optimization issues.
Single test or flat rate for app updates
Would you like to have your app checked just once? Or regularly after every update? Both are possible.
Detailed test protocols
Following the audit, you will receive a detailed audit report summarizing all aspects of the analysis.
“TRUSTED APP” seal and online certificate
Finally, you will receive our TRUSTED APP seal, which you can use to certify the security level of your app to your potential users at the point of sale.

App certification process

What happens during the TRUSTED APP certification process?
The auditing process
Our security experts examine the following aspects of the app, among others, during the multi-stage analysis process at the time of execution and in the source code:
Accesses & permissions
What data does the app access? Is it allowed to do so? Which third-party providers are integrated? Are they integrated in a compliant manner?
Data transfer
What data is processed? How is it transmitted? How is the data encrypted?
Server-side components
Are the servers configured correctly? Does the server only allow encrypted connections? Is an auth service integrated?
Privacy Policy
What does the privacy policy look like? Is it complete? Which aspects need to be mentioned?
Optimization support
In close exchange with the app publisher, we advise and support the optimization of the app.

Guarantee of our app certification
Creating trust with safety
- compliance with legal data protection & security guidelines
- EU-DSGVO conformity / data economy
- Encrypted transmission of sensitive data
- protection against third-party access
- authenticated recipients of the transmitted data
- verified privacy policy

Experiences with our TRUSTED APP certification
What our TRUSTED APP customers say
Do you still have questions about our app certification?
Find answers in the FAQ or from our contact person
How long does the app certification take?
Auditing an app takes between 3 and 5 days, depending on the operating system.
Can I have all internal apps certified?
Yes, as a rule, all internal apps can be certified. The prerequisite for this is the .ipa or .apk format.
Are all app updates tested as well?
Depending on the service booked, we test all app updates (flat rate) or your favorite app version (one-time test).
Where can I use the seal?
The TRUSTED APP seal serves as a purchase orientation aid and differentiator in the highly competitive app market. Possible uses for the seal: app stores, mobile advertising, newsletters, image film, radio advertising, company presentations or press releases.

Our Professional Service will be happy to advise you on all your questions. Use the contact form below or call us at:
Phone +49 (0)511 353 994 22
Are you considering getting your app certified?
Talk to us without obligation and we will be happy to advise you.
Thank you for your interest!