App Security Report 2021 – How secure is your user data? (EN)
We take a look back: The year 2021 was significantly shaped by the Corona pandemic and the related digitalization boom. With the transition to remote work, the use of mobile devices and the spread of apps has shot up. There are now over 6 million apps available in the various stores.
With our app risk management suite APPVISORY, we have been analyzing what is happening in the app market for years. This year we are taking stock. How secure are the apps we use? How many are questionable in terms of data protection and what conclusions can be drawn for 2022?
What you can take from this whitepaper:
- Statistics of iOS and Android
- How do apps handle user data?
- How do apps track user data?
- Which data is in focus?
- How is the encryption level?
- Where is your data going?
This 15-page white paper provides clear facts and figures on each of these questions. Companies as well as private users can draw important conclusions for their use of apps in everyday life and at work.